Corporate Social Responsibily (CSR) in Pakistan
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means a participation's and contribution's of services or sharing some company profits for the betterment of the people and community where a certain companies are operating. The company community participation defines in various sectors it can be in Education, Health, Community Physical Infrastructure, Child Protection, Campaigns on Awareness of Climate Change, Awareness of Human Rights, Awareness on Gender Sensitization, and so on. This are only among the few activities that Companies can be rendered to the community. Companies can also choose an NGO to work with if they are not familiar with issues and for the minimizing the research study. If we talk about the CSR in Pakistan, there are only few companies that are actively working in CSR either be partnered with NGO and other Organizations or implementing CSR directly to the recipients. It is a demand of time that the Pakistan Government must give commitment to work hand in hand w...